Read the committee members' biographies and registered interests.

Dr Ronny Cheung BM BCh, MA, MRCPCH, PGDipMedEd


Consultant general paediatrician, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

More about Ronny


Dr Ronny Cheung is a consultant paediatrician and joint clinical lead for improvement at Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust.

He has a longstanding interest in healthcare quality measurement and clinical variation. This interest was fostered during his secondment with the Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health, when he worked as a health advisor in the Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, and edited the NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare for Children and Young People.

He was also previously clinical advisor to Public Health England’s Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network. He is the Officer for Health Services at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and clinical lead for their State of Child Health programme, and is a Visiting Fellow at the Nuffield Trust.

Registered interests

Direct - financial

2014 to present: employed as an NHS consultant in general paediatrics in a children's hospital.

2013 to present: employed as a clinical advisor to Public Health England's Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network on a 2 PA (20% WTE) basis. Role included selection of paediatric quality indicators including for the Atlas of Variation in Healthcare for Children and Young People.

Direct - non-financial

Published several papers relating to quality measures for children and young people, many of which advocate for the creation of more (and higher quality) indicators for child health.

2018 to 2019: named as an investigator on a Health Foundation research grant to deliver a prioritisation exercise to identify high impact paediatric health services quality indicators. Not renumerated directly.

2018 to present: visiting fellow at the Nuffield Trust, advising on child health services research programme. Includes advising on quality indicators for child health. Not renumerated directly.

2017 to 2022: member of NHS England Specialised Commissioning Paediatric Medicine Clinical Reference Group, a role which involves advising on commissioning frameworks including the selection of indicators for subspecialist paediatric services.

2022 – present: Appointed Officer for Health Services at Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health


2017 to present: wife is the quality improvement lead for the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit, a role renumerated at 1 PA (10% WTE). Selection of relevant indicators for the audit as well as promoting the wider use of audit data and indicators across the NHS is a key part of the role.

Ben Anderson

Director of Public Health, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

More about Ben


Biography to follow.

Michael Bainbridge

Associate director of primary care

More about Michael


Michael began his career in social care before moving into the NHS. His roles have included commissioning mental health services, integrated care, and locality development. He's been involved in commissioning primary care services for the last ten years.

Michael is currently an associate director of commissioning at Somerset CCG with responsibility for primary care services. This includes general practice and local pharmacy and optometry services. He holds an MSc in Healthcare Policy and Management from Birmingham University.

Michael’s interests include person-centredness, continuity of care, evidence-based practice and the role of general practice in integrated care systems.

Registered interests

Direct - non-financial

2013 to present: commissioning manager who is responsible for ensuring high performance against QOF and IAF indicators.

2018 to present: chair of voluntary sector organisation which could benefit from CCG IAF indicators, for example if an IAF indicator related to CG investment in voluntary sector.

Dr Rachel Brown

General practitioner, Montpelier Health Centre, Bristol

More about Rachel


Rachel has been working as an inner city GP in Bristol for 19 years. Rachel also works as a GPSI in gynaecology, advising and teaching local GPs. She has been involved as a QOF indicators pilot site for 5 years. She is involved in teaching and research within the practice.

She is a NICE fellow. She is on the HTAP reference panel and also an external advisor for the NICE endorsement programme.

Registered interests

Direct - financial

GP Partner

Liz Cross

Advanced nurse practitioner

More about Liz


Liz is an advanced nurse practitioner and non-medical prescriber working in a large GP practice in Watford, Hertfordshire. Her clinics are varied; divided between chronic disease management, minor illness and anything else you would see your practice nurse for.

Liz has a specialist interest in antibiotic stewardship, particularly near patient diagnostics for the management of respiratory tract infections. For the past couple of years, alongside her day job, she's been running pilots, writing articles and speaking at conferences, both in the UK and abroad.

Registered interests

Direct - financial

2016: Honorarium. Received speakers fees from Alere/Abbott and Roche.

Dr Chloë Evans

General practitioner

More about Chloë


Chloë is a GP in a city practice in Oxford. She serves a community with a relatively high index of deprivation and where homeless people may register. Previously she's worked as a full-time GP partner in a rural practice, with experience of island medicine working as a GP in Shetland.

Chloë is involved in clinical research in primary care. Her experience prior to medicine is in molecular plant biology research.

Registered interests


Professor Chris P Gale

Professor of cardiovascular medicine and co-director of the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, University of Leeds
Honorary consultant cardiologist, Leeds General Infirmary

More about Chris


Chris practices clinical cardiology with particular interests in general cardiology, post myocardial infarction survivorship and chronic heart failure. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London and the European Society of Cardiology, and a member of the British Cardiovascular Society.

Chris was previously the co-chair of the National Institute for Clinical Outcomes Research (NICOR) Research Board at University College London. He has been a member of the UK nationwide heart attack register (Myocardial Ischaemic National Audit Project, MINAP) academic and steering groups for over a decade.

Registered interests

Direct - financial

2010 to present: AstraZeneca - speaker bureau fees, consultancy fees, attendance at conference.

2017 to present: Vifor Pharma - consultancy fees.

2017 to present: Novartis - consultancy fees.

Professor Elena Garralda

Emeritus professor and honorary consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, Imperial College London

More about Elena


Elena was previously a reader and honorary consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Manchester and Booth Hall Children's Hospital.

Elena’s special research/clinical interests include the interface between child psychiatry and primary and paediatric health care; psychosomatic disorders and the psychiatric adjustment of physically ill children; outcome research of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) use.

Elena has previous involvement in international research into CAMHS outcome measures and member of NICE Guideline Development Groups on mental health topics.

Registered interests


Personal financial non-specific: shareholdings in pharmaceutical companies.

Professor Mieke Van Hemelrijck

Professor in cancer epidemiology at Kings College London and a honorary associate professor at University College London

More about Mieke


Biography coming soon

Dr Tessa Lewis

General practitioner and medical advisor in therapeutics, Wales

More about Tessa


Tessa has a diploma in therapeutics and was the GP prescribing lead within the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (2002-2011) and medical advisor to All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre. She chaired the All Wales Prescribing Advisory Group (2008-2013) which promotes the safe and effective use of medicines and develops AWMSG National Prescribing Indicators. She has led the development and implementation of therapeutic guidance, for example, All Wales Advice on the Role of Oral Anticoagulants.

Tessa is also a standing committee member on one of NICE’s quality standards advisory committees. Tessa is the vice chair of the NICE antimicrobial stewardship guideline development group and was the chair for the group that developed the NICE medicines practice guideline for “Safe use and management of controlled drugs”.

Registered interests

Direct - financial

GP partner, part of income is derived from QOF. Some quality standards are subsequently progressed onto the NICE Indicator menu and QOF.

Dr Paula Parvulescu

Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Liverpool City Council

More about Paula


Biography to follow.

Mrs Linn Phipps

Lay member

More about Linn


Linn has served as a chair, non-executive director and lay adviser in health and care for nearly 20 years. She takes a special interest in good governance, outcomes, and how patient and public voice can be embedded in health and care to improve outcomes.

Currently she is a lay member on the NICE's Highly Specialised Technologies Evaluation Committee and Indicator Advisory Committee.

Registered interests

Direct - financial

2013 to present: lay member on Department of Health Independent Reconfiguration Panel.

2015 to present: chair of NHS England's stakeholder forum online services in primary care. Has an expanded remit and will support NHS England's first pillar which is Empower the Person, plus the online services strand of its second pillar which is Supporting the Clinician.

2017 to April 2019: non-executive director at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Direct - non-financial

2019 to present: lay member on NICE HSTEC.

Dr Waqas Tahir

General practitioner

More about Waqas


Waqas joined Westcliffe Medical Practice in 2013. The practice has now developed into Affinity Care (super-partnership comprising 8 practices and a population of 65K). He also works as a GPwER in diabetes, advising and teaching local GPs and nurses. As the SRO for diabetes, he has system responsibility for clinical governance and has been leading the re-design of diabetes services, outcome measures and quality indicators across 2 CCGs in Bradford with a focus on cardio-metabolic pathways.

He has a particular interest in translating evidence into practice, cardio-metabolic medicine, multi-morbidity and the role of technology and innovation in the delivery of patient care.

Registered interests

Direct - financial

April 2018 to present: GP partner at Affinity Care

2018 to present: NAPP - speaker fees, consultancy and advisory fees and attendance at conference.

2018 to present: NOVO NORDISK - speaker fees, consultancy and advisory fees and attendance at conference.

MSD - speaker fees.

Dr Victoria Welsh

General practitioner and NIHR clinical lecturer in general practice

More about Victoria


Victoria completed her training in general practice in Staffordshire in 2011. She now works as a GP in Berkshire. Having obtained a PhD in Primary Care Sciences, her research expertise lies in epidemiology, care of older people and health services research.

Victoria has been a specialist committee member for our falls prevention quality standard. She also has an interest in global health where she is involved with research aiming to improve health and wellbeing in low and middle income countries.

Registered interests


2017 to present: current research funded by NIHR.

Dr Chris Wilkinson

Senior lecturer in cardiology, Hull York Medical School Honorary consultant cardiologist, James Cook University Hospital

More about Chris


Chris is a cardiologist. In addition to his acute work, he specialises in heart failure and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.

He is passionate about improving quality of care and achieving better outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease, which informs his research.

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