We use the best available evidence to develop guidance to improve health and social care. Our guidance takes many forms. From this page, you can find out more about each type of NICE guidance and how it can be used. 


Our guidelines make evidence-based recommendations on a wide range of topics. They help health and social care professionals to prevent ill health, promote good health and improve the quality of care and services.

Technology appraisals guidance

This guidance assesses the clinical and cost effectiveness of health technologies, such as new medicines, procedures, devices and diagnostic agents.

Medical technologies guidance

This guidance evaluates new, innovative medical devices and diagnostics. It looks at medical technologies that deliver treatment, give greater independence to patients, and detect or monitor medical conditions.

Diagnostics guidance

This guidance evaluates new, innovative diagnostic technologies. It includes all types of measurements and tests that are used to evaluate a patient's condition.

Interventional procedures guidance

This guidance recommends whether interventional procedures - such as laser treatments for eye problems or deep brain stimulation for chronic pain - are effective and safe enough for use in the NHS.

Highly specialised technologies guidance

This guidance contains recommendations on the use of new and existing highly specialised medicines and treatments.

Health technology evaluation guidance, including early value assessment (EVA)

This guidance reviews evidence to support adoption of health technologies in the NHS.

Late stage assessment

We've developed a late-stage assessment (LSA) approach to evaluate those categories of technologies that are already in widespread use within the NHS.

Bringing our guidance together by topic

We’re bringing our guidance together by topic, so that it’s all in one place, clearer to understand and easier to access.

Prioritising our guidance topics

We need to prioritise areas of guidance development and delivery that will have the greatest impact on the health and care system. To do this we're developing a new centralised approach.

Forward view - our priority topics

Through our forward view, we will highlight the topics we are focusing on, and that matter most to you in the health and care system.