Information for the public

What has NICE said?

What has NICE said?

Percutaneous interlaminar endoscopic lumbar discectomy is safe enough and works well enough for use in the NHS.

NICE is asking health professionals to send information about everyone who has the procedure and what happens to them afterwards to a database at the British Spine Registry so that how well it works can be checked over time.

Percutaneous interlaminar endoscopic lumbar discectomy should only be done by surgeons with specific expertise and training in the procedure, and at first they should do it with another experienced surgeon who does the procedure regularly.

What does this mean for me?

Your health professional should fully explain what is involved in having this procedure, and discuss the possible benefits and risks with you. You should also be told how to find more information about the procedure and about other treatment options. All of this should happen before you decide whether you want to have this procedure or not. Your health professional should ask you if details of your procedure can be collected.

  • Information Standard