Update information

Update information

October 2019: Recommendation 1.1.1 was amended to be clearer about when to suspect familial hypercholesterolaemia.

November 2017: We reviewed the evidence and made new recommendations on case finding, diagnosis and statin monotherapy. These recommendations are marked [2017].

We also made some changes without an evidence review:

  • Some wording was updated to emphasise that familial hypercholesterolaemia should be thought about as a potential diagnosis.

  • A clarification was added about the QRISK2 score.

  • Nicotinic acid was removed from the recommendations.

  • Recommendations on statins were updated.

  • A new recommendation cross-referring to the NICE technology appraisal guidance on alirocumab and evolocumab was added to section 1.3.1.

These recommendations are marked [2008, amended 2017].

Recommendations marked [2016] last had an evidence review in 2016, and those marked [2008] last had an evidence review in 2008. In some cases, minor changes have been made to the wording to bring the language and style up to date, without changing the meaning.

July 2016: Recommendations to have been replaced and are adapted from NICE technology appraisal guidance on ezetimibe for treating primary heterozygous-familial and non-familial hypercholesterolaemia. TA385 has replaced TA132, the original source for these recommendations. They have been changed to remove reference to non-familial hypercholesterolaemia, which TA385 also covers.

Minor changes since publication

September 2023: We updated the definition of high-intensity statin.

November 2020: Recommendations to were amended to direct readers to the 2019 UK Chief Medical Officers' physical activity guidelines, and the original recommendation was removed as it is now covered by the changes made to recommendation Footnotes were incorporated into the text to improve accessibility.

December 2017: The definition of high-intensity statin was amended.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-1290-2