
Osteoporosis: assessment of fracture risk and the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in individuals at high risk

Status: History
Publication date: TBC
Wave: 7
Process: CG
Topic area:
  • Musculoskeletal

NICE project team

Centre for clinical practice lead: TBC
Communications manager: Tonya Gillis
Guidelines commissioning manager: Nicole Elliott
Guidelines coordinator: Emma Banks
Patient involvement lead: Victoria Thomas
Implementation lead: TBC
Guidelines Development Group: The Guideline Development Group (GDG) oversees the development process.

Email enquiries

If you have any queries please email osteoporosis@nice.org.uk


Provisional schedule

Scoping workshop: 05 March 2003
Consultation on draft scope with stakeholders: TBC
Submission Date: 01 June 2003
Consultation on draft guideline with stakeholders: TBC
Pre-publication check: TBC
Publication date: TBC


Project history

Date Update
20 May 2002 The remit for this guideline was received from the Department of Health and the Welsh Assembly Government.
6 June 2003 The scope defines what aspects of care are covered by the guideline and to whom it applies. Comments that were made by stakeholders during the consultation on the scope can be seen in the scope consultation table.
10 March 2008 The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is producing the clinical guideline 'Osteoporosis: assessment of fracture risk and the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in individuals at high risk'. This guideline will incorporate recommendations from the forthcoming technology appraisals on the primary and secondary prevention of osteoporotic fragility fractures in postmenopausal women. The development of this guideline is being placed on hold until these technology appraisals are published. The guideline development group (GDG) will continue to be represented at the independent technology appraisals committee.
14 October 2008 The 16 systematic reviews of clinical effectiveness prepared for the guideline, 'Osteoporosis: assessment of fracture risk and the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in individuals at high risk' are published as evidence reviews.
30 September 2010 The remit for this clinical guideline has been amended following discussion with the Department of Health. A short clinical guideline on risk assessment will be developed. Please see Statement from NICE on Osteoporosis guideline in the key documents section for further information.


Key documents

This page was last updated: 24 January 2011