Information for the public

Questions to ask

These questions may help you discuss your condition or the treatments you have been offered with your healthcare team.

About your condition

  • Can you tell me more about psoriasis?

  • Are there any support groups my local area?

  • Can you provide any information or advice for my family or carers?

  • Is there anyone I can talk to about my feelings about psoriasis?

  • Do I need to see a specialist?

  • Can you provide information for my child's teachers?

  • Is there some other information (a leaflet, DVD or website) to help me understand my psoriasis? Is there any information designed for children?



  • Can you tell me why you have decided to offer me this particular type of treatment?

  • What are the risks and benefits of this treatment? Can you give me figures about how many people' psoriasis will clear up (for example out of 100 people treated)?

  • Are there any serious side effects associated with this treatment?

  • I am worried about a particular side effect. Can you tell me how likely I am to get this side effect (for example out of every 1000 people treated, how many will get that side effect?)

  • What other treatment options are available?

  • Is there any other treatment that I should not use while using this treatment?

  • If I am unwell should I stop this treatment?

  • What I can do to help improve my skin condition?

  • How will it help me? What effect will it have on my symptoms and everyday life? What sort of improvements might I expect?

  • How long will it take to have an effect?

  • What should I do if there is no improvement?

  • Are there different treatments that I could try?

  • Does the length/dose of my current treatment need to be changed?

  • Is there some other information (like a leaflet, DVD or a website I can go to) about the treatment that I can have?

  • Can I get help with the cost of prescriptions?

Topical treatments

  • How do I apply the topical treatment you have prescribed?

  • How much of the topical preparation prescribed should I use for each application? Can you show me?

  • Do I have to wash off or remove the treatment?

  • Should I wash my hands after applying the treatment? What should I do if my hands are being treated?

  • How much (in grams) should I use over a month to fully treat my psoriasis? How long should this tube/bottle last for?

  • How many days will I have to apply the treatment for? How will it affect my plaques and surrounding skin?

  • How do I get further supplies of my topical treatment?

  • When should I stop applying the treatment?

  • When should the treatment be reviewed?

  • Should my child take treatment to school to use after games or swimming lessons?

  • Is it OK to use the treatment if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding? If it isn't, what else can I use?

  • How can I avoid side effects from corticosteroids?


  • How often and for how long will I need phototherapy treatment?

  • How long will my psoriasis stay away after the treatment?

  • How many courses of phototherapy can I have?

  • Should I use topical treatments at the same time as receiving phototherapy treatment?

  • Can you give me a letter for my employer/teacher so I can arrange to attend appointments?

  • What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

  • Is it safe to have phototherapy if I am pregnant?

  • Can I sunbathe on holiday if I have just had a course of phototherapy?

Systemic therapy

  • What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

  • Who will monitor my safety while taking the medicine?

  • How will I know if the treatment is working?

  • How often will I be reviewed?

  • How long can I use it for?

  • Is it safe to use if I'm pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant, or becoming a father? If not, when can I plan for a baby after using the treatment?

Side effects

  • What should I do if I get any side effects? (Who should be my first point of contact, for example, should I call my GP, my dermatology nurse specialist or go to the accident and emergency (A&E) department at a hospital?)

  • Are there any long-term effects of taking this treatment?

For family members, friends or carers

  • What can I/we do to help and support the person with psoriasis?

  • Is there any additional support that I/we as carer(s) might benefit from or be entitled to?

  • Information Standard