
A list of downloadable documents created during development.

Rifaximin for the maintenance treatment of hepatic encephalopathy [ID496]: equality impact assessment - guidance development

Final appraisal determination

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: appraisal consultation 2

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: appraisal consultation

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: final matrix

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: final scope

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: response to consultee and commentator comments on the draft scope and provisional matrix

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: equality impact assessment - scoping

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: draft scope for consultation

Hepatic encephalopathy (maintenance treatment) - rifaximin: provisional matrix

Appendix B - draft scope for consultation (pre-referral) - May 2011 (superseded)

Appendix C - provisional matrix (pre-referral) - May 2011 (superseded)