Preventing unintentional road injuries among under 15s: road design: revised publication date

The publication of the final guidance will now be November 2010 (previously April 2010).

This will allow it to be published at the same time as three other pieces of NICE guidance on preventing unintentional injuries among children and young people under 15. In particular, it can be set within the broader context of the forthcoming NICE programme guidance on strategies, legislation, regulation, enforcement, surveillance and workforce development. The programme guidance will make recommendations for national and local policy makers, strategic planners, commissioners, managers and practitioners.

NICE’s implementation and communication teams will be supporting the publication of all four pieces of guidance as part of a ‘themed’ approach in order to have maximum impact. Together this suite of guidance will make a significant contribution to the framework of advice and guidance for anyone who has a direct or indirect role in, and responsibility for, preventing unintentional injuries among under 15s.

This page was last updated: 13 April 2010