TA106 Hepatitis C - peginterferon alfa and ribavirin: review decision - December 2013

Review of TA75; Interferon alfa and ribavirin for treating chronic hepatitis C, TA106; Peginterferon alfa and ribavirin for treating mild hepatitis C, and TA200; Pegylated interferons, peginterferon alfa, ribavirin and alfa interferon for treating hepatitis C

The Institute was proposing that all three appraisals should move to the static list until the start of the development of the clinical guideline for the management of hepatitis C.

During consultation, the majority of comments received by the Institute agreed with the proposal put forward.  After consideration of all of the comments (attached as appendix A), the Institute’s Guidance Executive has decided to proceed with the proposal.

Consequently, TA75, TA106 and TA200 will move to the static list, and will be considered for review again once the development of the clinical guideline for the management of hepatitis C begins.

December 2013

This page was last updated: 18 December 2013