TA129 Multiple myeloma - bortezomib: review update - January 2011

Review of NICE Technology Appraisal no. 129; Multiple myeloma - bortezomib and no. 171; Multiple myeloma - lenalidomide

 Decision to defer the review

As you may be aware the planned date for review of both of the above Technology Appraisals was October 2010. This is the date when NICE consults with relevant organisations on a review proposal to decide whether or not the guidance needs to be updated and, if so, how.

When reviewing the optimum timing of this consultation, Guidance Executive has decided to re-schedule the consideration to review TA129 and 171 until mid 2011.   Your organisation will be contacted again at that time and asked to comment on our proposals for review of these appraisals.  In the meantime if you have any queries please contact Andrew Harding RPP Project Manager, (andrew.harding@nice.org.uk, 0161 870 3149).

January 2011

This page was last updated: 14 January 2011