TA 160 Osteoporosis - primary prevention: review update - July 2010

Review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No.’s 160/161 Osteoporosis - primary and secondary prevention

 Update to plans for review of guidance

The planned date for review of the above guidance was July 2010.

This is the date at which the Institute decides whether sufficient new evidence has emerged for the Appraisal Committee to be asked to undertake a full review of the appraisal.

You may be aware that, as a consequence of the court of appeal proceedings, NICE is currently reconsidering strontium ranelate. Therefore, the Institute considers it more appropriate to initiate the review process for TA160/161 when the reconsideration of strontium ranelate has been concluded. At this point the evidence base will be assessed to ascertain the need for a review of the guidance.

July 2010

This page was last updated: 27 August 2013