Recommendation ID
Reducing the risk of complications of anticancer treatment in children and young people, and in adults diagnosed with lymphoma:- Randomised studies should investigate primary prophylaxis of neutropenic sepsis in 2 populations: children and young people (aged under 18) having treatment for solid tumours or haematological malignancies, or stem cell transplantation; and adults (aged 18 and older) diagnosed with lymphoma. The studies should compare the effectiveness of fluoroquinolone antibiotics given alone, fluoroquinolone antibiotics given together with G-CSF preparations, and G-CSF preparations given alone. Outcome measures should include overall mortality, infectious episodes and adverse events. In addition, quality of life should be determined using quantitative and qualitative methods. The resulting data should be used to develop a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing these 3 forms of prophylaxis in children and young people having anticancer treatment, and in adults diagnosed with lymphoma.
Any explanatory notes
(if applicable)
Why this is important:- Data from studies of adults with leukaemia, stem cell transplantation and many solid tumours suggest that prophylaxis with fluoroquinolone antibiotics reduces the risk of neutropenic sepsis. However, the benefit of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in adults diagnosed with lymphoma is unclear. Children and young people having anticancer treatment are a distinct population and differ from adults in a number of ways, including the types of cancer they have, the anticancer treatment they are given, their reactions to fluoroquinolones and subcutaneous injections, and the ease with which they can adhere to daily medication. The effects of these differences are not known, but it is known that death rates from neutropenic sepsis are higher in children and young people than in adults. Studies of primary prophylaxis of neutropenic sepsis in children and young adults, and in adults with lymphoma, could be of great value in helping to reduce the risk of neutropenic sepsis in these 2 patient populations.

Source guidance details

Comes from guidance
Neutropenic sepsis: prevention and management in people with cancer
Date issued
September 2012

Other details

Is this a recommendation for the use of a technology only in the context of research? No  
Is it a recommendation that suggests collection of data or the establishment of a register?   No  
Last Reviewed 02/10/2012