Search strategy

Search strategy

Medline (1946-present)

Search date: 21st October 2016

1 Glycopyrrolate/ (835)

2 (glycopyrronium or glycopyrrolate or sialanar).tw. (960)

3 1 or 2 (1137)

4 Sialorrhea/ (1184)

5 (drool* or hypersalivat* or sialorrhea).tw. (1708)

6 4 or 5 (2156)

7 3 and 6 (43)

Medline in-process

Search date: 21st October 2016

1 Glycopyrrolate/ (0)

2 (glycopyrronium or glycopyrrolate or sialanar).tw. (99)

3 1 or 2 (99)

4 Sialorrhea/ (0)

5 (drool* or hypersalivat* or sialorrhea).tw. (170)

6 4 or 5 (170)

7 3 and 6 (3)

Embase (1974 to 21th October 2016)

Search date: 21st October 2016

1 Glycopyrrolate/ (5454)

2 (glycopyrronium or glycopyrrolate or sialanar).tw. (1554)

3 1 or 2 (5585)

4 Sialorrhea/ (3973)

5 (drool* or hypersalivat* or sialorrhea).tw. (2723)

6 4 or 5 (5413)

7 3 and 6 (191)

8 limit 7 to English language (177)

9 *randomized controlled trial/ (37703)

10 *Randomization/ (2020)

11 *Placebo/ (55996)

12 *Crossover Procedure/ (3810)

13 (random or randomi* or randoml*).tw. (1137254)

14 rct*.tw. (43365)

15 (phase 4 or phase iv or phase 3 or phase iii).tw. (67806)

16 placebo*.tw. (246741)

17 (crossover* or (cross adj over*)).tw. (85155)

18 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 (1319359)

19 Nonhuman/ (4934829)

20 Human/ (17907880)

21 19 not (19 and 20) (3675982)

22 18 not 21 (1216959)

23 Clinical study/ (243890)

24 Case control study/ (121345)

25 Family study/ (24891)

26 Longitudinal study/ (104067)

27 Retrospective study/ (504524)

28 comparative study/ (736482)

29 Prospective study/ (380576)

30 Randomized controlled trials/ (121519)

31 29 not 30 (375968)

32 Cohort analysis/ (294471)

33 cohort analy*.tw. (7596)

34 (Cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. (175045)

35 (Case control* adj (study or studies)).tw. (101756)

36 (follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. (53183)

37 (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. (98943)

38 (epidemiologic* adj (study or studies)).tw. (88348)

39 (cross sectional adj (study or studies)).tw. (128781)

40 case (65992)

41 (618773)

42 (562957)

43 or/23-28,31-42 (2923018)

44 22 or 43 (3831639)

45 8 and 44 (39)

Cochrane library databases

Search date: 21st October 2016

#1 MeSH descriptor: [Glycopyrrolate] this term only 245

#2 glycopyrronium or glycopyrrolate or sialanar:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) 969

#3 #1 or #2 969

#4 MeSH descriptor: [Sialorrhea] this term only 71

#5 drool* or hypersalivat* or sialorrhea:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) 301

#6 #4 or #5 301

#7 #3 and #6 11