

  • The technology described in this briefing is Smart Peak Flow. It is a digital peak flow meter and asthma tracking tool designed for monitoring asthma.

  • The innovative aspects are the automatic recording and charting of peak expiratory flow values in the Smart Asthma app, and calculating colour coded peak flow zones that indicate a person's asthma control.

  • The intended place in therapy would be as an alternative to mechanical peak flow meters.

  • The main points from the evidence summarised in this briefing are from 5 studies including 2 comparative studies, 2 observational studies, and 1 bench test study including a total of 1,181 people. They show that Smart Peak Flow passed bench tests of accuracy. Also, more people may use Smart Peak Flow compared with mechanical peak flow meters.

  • Key uncertainties around the evidence or technology are that the evidence is limited and lacks detail. There were no studies evaluating the effect of the device on clinical or patient-reported outcomes, clinical decision making, or user satisfaction.

  • Experts advised that Smart Peak Flow could replace mechanical peak flow meters. But evidence is needed on its validation against the current gold standard in peak flow meters, asthma-related outcomes, use and adherence, and the effect on clinical decision making and resource use.

  • The cost of Smart Peak Flow is £9.87 per device (excluding VAT). The optional Bluetooth adapter costs £6 (excluding VAT) and the Smart Asthma app is free. Mechanical peak flow meters cost between £4.25 and £9.50 per device based on the NHS November 2021 Drug Tariff.