Key priorities for implementation

Key priorities for implementation

The following recommendations have been identified as priorities for implementation.

Principles of care

  • Children and young people with spasticity should have access to a network of care that uses agreed care pathways supported by effective communication and integrated team working.

  • If a child or young person receives treatment for spasticity from healthcare professionals outside the network team, this should be planned and undertaken in discussion with the network team to ensure integrated care and effective subsequent management.

  • Offer a management programme that is:

    • developed and implemented in partnership with the child or young person and their parents or carers

    • individualised

    • goal focused.

  • Help children and young people and their parents or carers to be partners in developing and implementing the management programme by offering:

    • relevant, and age and developmentally appropriate, information and educational materials

    • regular opportunities for discussion and

    • advice on their developmental potential and how different treatment options may affect this.

  • Monitor the child or young person's condition for:

Physical therapy (physiotherapy and/or occupational therapy)

Intrathecal baclofen

  • Consider treatment with continuous pump-administered intrathecal baclofen in children and young people with spasticity if, despite the use of non-invasive treatments, spasticity or dystonia are causing difficulties with any of the following:

    • pain or muscle spasms

    • posture or function

    • self-care (or ease of care by parents or carers).

      At the time of publication (July 2012), intrathecal baclofen did not have UK marketing authorisation for children younger than 4 years, nor did it have UK marketing authorisation for use in the treatment of dystonia associated with spasticity. Where appropriate, informed consent should be obtained and documented.

Orthopaedic surgery

  • An assessment should be performed by an orthopaedic surgeon within the network team if:

    • based on clinical findings (see recommendation 1.1.16) or radiological monitoring, there is concern that the hip may be displaced

    • based on clinical or radiological findings there is concern about spinal deformity.