1 Recommendations

Cardiac surgery


The ROTEM system and the TEG system are recommended to help detect, manage and monitor haemostasis during and after cardiac surgery.


The Sonoclot system is only recommended for use in research to help detect, manage and monitor haemostasis during and after cardiac surgery. Research is recommended into the clinical benefits and cost effectiveness of using the Sonoclot system during and after cardiac surgery (see section 7.1).


Healthcare professionals using the ROTEM system and the TEG system during cardiac surgery should have appropriate training and experience with these devices.

Emergency control of bleeding


There is currently insufficient evidence to recommend the routine adoption of viscoelastometric point‑of‑care testing (ROTEM, TEG and Sonoclot systems) in the NHS to help detect, manage and monitor haemostasis in the emergency control of bleeding after trauma and during postpartum haemorrhage. Research is recommended into the clinical benefits and cost effectiveness of using viscoelastometric point‑of‑care testing to help in the emergency control of bleeding after trauma or during postpartum haemorrhage (see section 7.2).