3 Committee considerations

3 Committee considerations

The evidence

3.1 NICE did a rapid review of the published literature on the efficacy and safety of this procedure. This comprised a comprehensive literature search and detailed review of the evidence from 9 sources, which was discussed by the committee. The evidence included 1 systematic review and meta-analysis, 2 registry analyses (1 of which was not published in a peer-reviewed journal), 1 cohort study, 4 before-and-after studies, and 1 case series. It is presented in the summary of key evidence section in the interventional procedures overview. Other relevant literature is in the appendix of the overview.

3.2 The professional experts and the committee considered the key efficacy outcomes to be: reduction in pain, improvement in quality of life, and reduced need for future joint surgery.

3.3 The professional experts and the committee considered the key safety outcomes to be: pain, infection, need for revision, and effect on future joint replacement.

3.4 A total of 7 commentaries from people who have had this procedure were discussed by the committee.

Committee comments

3.5 The technology used for this procedure is evolving.

3.6 The committee was informed that there is more than 1 device available to use for this procedure, and that some of these devices may be customised to individual people based on 3D imaging.

3.7 This procedure is for treating focal articular cartilage damage and not for generalised osteoarthritis.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-4690-7

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)