Information for the public

Diagnosing menopause

Diagnosing menopause

If menopausal symptoms are affecting your day‑to‑day life you should see your GP. Your GP should be able to tell if you are in perimenopause or menopause based on your age, symptoms and how often you have periods, so you are unlikely to need tests. If you are taking any hormonal treatments (for example, to treat heavy periods) it can be more difficult to know when you have reached menopause.

You may be offered a blood test but only if:

  • you are between 40 and 45 and have menopausal symptoms, including changes in your menstrual cycle (how often you have periods)

  • you are under 40 and your GP suspects you are in menopause (also see premature menopause).

The blood test measures a hormone called FSH (follicle‑stimulating hormone). FSH is found in higher levels in menopause. You should not be offered this test if you are taking a contraceptive containing oestrogen and progestogen or high‑dose progestogen because the contraceptive changes your natural FSH levels.

  • Information Standard