Quality standard

Quality statement 6: CT reporting

Quality statement

Women who have CT for staging of ovarian cancer have the results reported by a radiologist who is a core member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Quality measures

The following measures can be used to assess the quality of care or service provision specified in the statement. They are examples of how the statement can be measured, and can be adapted and used flexibly.


Evidence of local arrangements and written clinical protocols to ensure that women who have CT for staging of ovarian cancer have the results reported by a radiologist who is a core member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Data source: Local data collection.


Proportion of women who have CT for staging ovarian cancer that have the results reported by a radiologist who is a core member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Numerator – the number of women in the denominator having their CT staging results reported by a radiologist who is a core member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Denominator – the number of women who have CT for staging of ovarian cancer.

Data source: Local data collection.

What the quality statement means for different audiences

Service providers ensure systems are in place for women who have CT for staging of ovarian cancer to have it reported by a radiologist who is a core member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Healthcare professionals ensure women who have CT for staging of ovarian cancer have it reported by a radiologist who is a core member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Commissioners ensure they commission services in which CT for staging of ovarian cancer is reported by a radiologist who is a core member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Women who have a CT scan to find out the stage of the ovarian cancer have the results reported by a radiologist who is a key member of the specialist gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team.

Source guidance

TEG consensus.

Definitions of terms used in this quality statement

A core member of the gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team

A member of the gynaecological cancer multidisciplinary team who attends (or, if unable to attend, is represented by a colleague who attends) at least two thirds of the multidisciplinary team meetings.

Specialist core members of a multidisciplinary team are described in the National Cancer Peer Review Programme's Manual for Cancer Services in gynaecology measure 11-2E-101.