What has NICE said?

Everolimus (Afinitor) is recommended as a possible treatment for advanced renal cell carcinoma that has got worse during or after a type of treatment called vascular endothelial growth factor targeted therapy.

What does this mean for me?

If you have renal cell carcinoma, and your doctor thinks that everolimus is the right treatment, you should be able to have it on the NHS.

The condition and the treatment

Renal cell carcinoma is a kidney cancer that starts in the cells lining the small tubes that help to make urine. In advanced disease, the cancer has spread inside the kidney, and may have spread outside the kidney.

Everolimus is a drug that helps the body's immune system to recognise and destroy cancer cells.

NHS Choices may be a good place to find out more.

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ISBN: 978-1-4731-2347-2

  • Information Standard