1 Recommendations

1.1 Teduglutide is recommended, within its marketing authorisation, as an option for treating short bowel syndrome (SBS) in people 1 year and above. People's condition should be stable following a period of intestinal adaptation after surgery before having teduglutide. Teduglutide is recommended only if the company provides it according to the commercial arrangement.

Why the committee made these recommendations

Current treatment for SBS is parenteral support (giving nutrients and fluids intravenously) with best supportive care. Best supportive care includes antimotility and antisecretory medicines, fluid restriction and diet changes.

Clinical trial evidence shows that teduglutide reduces the number of days a week people with SBS need parenteral support compared with placebo. However, how much it reduces this is uncertain because the trial design may not reflect NHS practice.

Because of the uncertainties in the clinical evidence, the cost-effectiveness estimates are uncertain. However, even when accounting for the uncertainties, these estimates are below what NICE normally considers an acceptable use of NHS resources. Therefore, teduglutide is recommended.