Online learning (Target Ovarian Cancer and BMJ Learning)

Recognising early symptoms of ovarian cancer was commissioned from BMJ Learning by Target Ovarian Cancer.

This on-line learning tool is primarily targeted at general practitioners but suitable for a wide range of clinicians. It covers signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer and diagnostic tests, based on the NICE Clinical Guideline CG122. It is an interactive tool that tests prior knowledge, works through a series of case studies asking at each stage how the user would manage the patient, and tests knowledge again at the end to assess how much the user has learnt. In just one hour, users are brought up to date with the risk factors for and symptoms of ovarian cancer.

The module includes an audit function for GPs to encourage them to monitor their performance in the care of patients after learning from the resource. Improvements can be measured- comparing patterns of care before and after training with the tool. GPs can download learning credits that go towards the Royal College of General Practitioner's Continuing Professional Development Scheme.

The learning outcomes for the module are to:

  • Understand that ovarian cancer is not a "silent killer" and that patients do have symptoms even from early stages of the disease
  • Consider ovarian cancer when women present with suggestive symptoms
  • Know the typical symptoms in patients with ovarian cancer
  • Know the typical patterns of symptoms in patients with ovarian cancer
  • Know how to assess patients with possible ovarian cancer
  • Know how to apply the 2011 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines on assessing patients with possible ovarian cancer.

Access the module

This resource was developed independently by Target Ovarian Cancer and BMJ Learning and not directly from the NICE guidance. The content reflects the NICE guidance, with additional information, and facilitates its implementation. NICE has undertaken a check of the resource at the point at which this link was published and is satisfied that it broadly supports the guidance. However NICE is unable to confirm that all of the content at any one time accurately reflects the guidance, and therefore no guarantees are given either by NICE in this regard. If an individual clinician has any queries or concerns about the relationship between NICE guidance and this educational resource they should always refer to the original guidance published by NICE, and this should in all cases be regarded as the only definitive statement of the guidance.

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