New generation cardiac CT scanners (Aquilion ONE, Brilliance iCT, Discovery CT750 HD and Somatom Definition Flash): review proposal - March 2015

Review of NICE Diagnostics Guidance No. DG3; New generation cardiac CT scanners (Aquilion ONE, Brilliance iCT, Discovery CT750 HD and Somatom Definition Flash) for cardiac imaging in people with suspected or known coronary artery disease in whom imaging is difficult with earlier generation CT scanners

Proposal to develop a technical supplement and move the existing guidance to the static guidance list.

The review of the above diagnostics guidance was launched in January 2015.

Changes in clinical practice, technology costs or evidence that would lead to a change in the recommendations of the original guidance have not been identified. However, all CT scanners included in the original guidance have been upgraded with new features or replaced with newer models. It is therefore proposed that a technical supplement describing these newer versions is produced, and that the guidance is placed on the static list.

In order to be completely confident that this is appropriate, we are asking all relevant registered stakeholders to inform us of any evidence which will help us decide the best way to update this guidance.

Comments must be submitted to by 5pm 2 April 2015.

This page was last updated: 12 March 2015