Resource impact statement

No significant resource impact is anticipated

The guideline is an update of CG28 published September 2005 and last updated September 2017.

We do not expect this update to the guideline to have a significant impact on resources; that is:

  • the resource impact of implementing any single guideline recommendation will be less than £1 million per year in England (or £1,800 per 100,000 population) and
  • the resource impact of implementing the whole guideline in England will be less than £5 million per year (or £9,100 per 100,000 population).

Where clinical practice changes as a result of this update to the previous NICE guideline, there will not be a significant change in resource use.

The new recommendations around the stepped-care model for children and young people with depression increase the options available for psychological interventions, but because the costs of new treatment options are similar to the costs of current options, a significant impact is not expected.

Services for children and young people with depression are commissioned by clinical commissioning groups, NHS England and local authorities. Providers are primary care, secondary care, community and mental health provider organisations.

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