Resource impact statement

No significant resource impact is anticipated

We do not expect this guideline to have a significant impact on resources; that is:

  • the resource impact of implementing any single guideline recommendation in England will be less than £1 million per year (or £1,800 per 100,000 population) and
  • the resource impact of implementing the whole guideline in England will be less than £5 million per year (or £9,000 per 100,000 population).

Most of the recommendations aim to re-enforce best practice and reduce clinical variation and the assessment is these will not have a significant impact.

Protection from light (recommendations 1.2.3 and 1.2.4), recommends the use of light-shielding syringes, lines and bags to protect lipids and amino acids from sunlight. This re-enforces the recommendation that is in the existing MHRA safety guidance sent to healthcare professionals and compounding centres in September 2019.  Where centres are not currently following the existing MRHA guidance there may be a resource impact to bring practice in line with the guidance and the NICE guideline.

Neonatal services are commissioned by NHS England and clinical commissioning groups. Providers are NHS hospital trusts.

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