Surveillance decision

Surveillance decision

This 2018 surveillance review has taken into account 4 NICE guidelines on the theme of oral health:

This report details the surveillance decision for 1 of these guidelines, NICE guideline NG30. Details of the review decisions for the other 3 oral health guidelines, PH55, NG48 and CG19 can be found on the respective NICE webpages.

We will not update the guideline on oral health promotion at this time.

During surveillance, editorial or factual corrections were identified. Details are included in appendix A: summary of evidence from surveillance.

Reason for the decision

The evidence

We found 28 studies through surveillance of this guideline.

This included evidence on promoting smoking cessation, preventing harmful drinking and the barriers and facilitators to oral health promotion. This evidence supports current recommendations. Limited, mixed evidence was also identified on methods of tailoring oral health advice to individual needs, interventions to reduce dental anxiety, behaviour change interventions and format of information delivery for oral health promotion. No evidence was identified that impacted on NICE guideline NG30.


During stakeholder consultation, it was raised that social and economic factors play a significant role in determining oral health outcomes. Inequalities in oral health were considered by the committee during guideline development, and the current recommendations take these into account.

Overall decision

After considering all the evidence and views of topic experts and stakeholders, we decided that no update is necessary for this guideline.

See how we made the decision for further information.

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