10 Membership of the Public Health Advisory Committee and the NICE project team

10 Membership of the Public Health Advisory Committee and the NICE project team

Public Health Advisory Committee C

NICE has set up several Public Health Advisory Committees (PHACs). These standing committees consider the evidence and develop public health guidelines. Membership is multidisciplinary, comprising academics, public health practitioners, topic experts and members of the public. They may come from the NHS, education, social care, environmental health, local government or the voluntary sector. The following are members of PHAC C:


Gina Radford
Centre Director for Anglia and Essex, Public Health England

Core members

Ross Cowan
Community core member

Eileen Kaner
Professor of Public Health Research, Newcastle University

Stephen Morris
Professor of Health Economics, University College London

Jasmine Murphy
Consultant in Public Health, Leicester City Council

Kamran Siddiqi
Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of York

David Sloan
Retired Director of Public Health

Topic members

Barbara Hanratty
Clinical Senior Lecturer, Hull York Medical School, University of York

Raymond Jankowski
Deputy Director of Public Health, NHS Hertfordshire

John Kolm‑Murray
Seasonal Health & Affordable Warmth Coordinator, London Borough of Islington

Christine Liddell
Professor of Psychology, University of Ulster

Andrew Probert
Community topic member

Simon Roberts
Chief Executive, Centre for Sustainable Energy

Expert testimony to PHAC

Tim Anfilogoff
Programme manager, Hertfordshire valleys Clinical Commissioning Group

Gareth Baynham‑Hughes
Deputy Director, Fuel Poverty, Department of Energy and Climate Change

Martin Chadwick
Chief Officer, Beat the Cold

Philip Cullum
Partner, Consumer Policy and Demand Side Insight, OFGEM (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets)

Christine Liddell
Professor, School of Psychology, University of Ulster

Carolyn Snell
Lecturer in Social Policy, The University of York

Neil Walker
Energy and Renewal Surveyor, Watford Borough Council

Maria Wardrobe
Director of External Affairs, National Energy Action

NICE project team

Mike Kelly
CPH Director

Jane Huntley
Associate Director

Hugo Crombie
Lead Analyst

Andrew Hoy

Ruaraidh Hill

Karen Peploe

Kim Jeong
Technical Adviser, Health Economics

Patricia Mountain
Project Manager

Rukshana Begum

Sue Jelley
Senior Editor

Susie Burlace

Declarations of interests

The following members of the Public Health Advisory Committee made declarations of interest. All other members of the Committee stated that they had no interests to declare.

Committee member

Interest declared

Type of interest

Decision taken

Gina Radford



No further action required

Ross Cowan

Unpaid trustee of the Health and Race Equality Forum

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

Ross Cowan

Part‑time employment with a voluntary organisation which includes work supporting voluntary, community and social enterprise involvement on Health and Wellbeing Boards including use of NICE guidance

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

Barbara Hanratty

Brother‑in‑law employed as a statistician by Pfizer in the Republic of Ireland

Personal family interest

No further action required

Raymond Jankowski

Wife is the head of immunisation division at Public Health England and is involved in the national plans for Flu vaccinations

Personal family interest

No further action required

Eileen Kaner

The topic of excess winter deaths is the focus of 1 PhD student at the Institute for Health and Society at Newcastle University, for which Eileen is the Director

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

John Kolm‑Murray

Employed by Islington London Borough Council as a seasonal health and affordable warmth coordinator

Personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

John Kolm‑Murray

Employer received NHS reablement funding in 2012/13 and funding from the Department of Health's Warm Homes Healthy People fund in 2011/12 and 2012/13

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

John Kolm‑Murray

Director of National Right to Fuel Campaign and Steering group member of End Fuel Poverty Coalition. Deputy Chair of Carbon Action Network

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

John Kolm‑Murray

Trustee of British Gas Energy Trust

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

Christine Liddell



No further action required

Steve Morris

Received consultancy fees in 2011/12 from GlaxoSmithKline to undertake a cost‑effectiveness analysis of mepolizumab in adults and adolescents with severe asthma

Personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Jasmine Murphy



No further action required

Andrew Probert



No further action required

Simon Roberts

Employer (Centre for Sustainable Energy) may benefit from a market expansion and increased funding available due to the publication of the guidance. Will not create a direct benefit, but may increase fundraising opportunities to deliver programmes

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Kamran Siddiqi

Received funding on behalf of the University of York from the Medical Research Council (MRC), the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), Cancer Research UK and the International Development Research Centre in Canada

Personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Kamran Siddiqi

Employer (University of York) has an interest in public health areas of research and has secured research grants from NIHR, MRC and several other organisations for a variety of public health topics

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Kamran Siddiqi

Has an academic interest in a number of public health research topics including: tobacco cessation; second‑hand smoking; preventing tobacco uptake; and ethnicity and health. Has written and presented on these topics and has secured research grants from various public bodies and charities including NIHR

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

David Sloan



No further action required

Carolyn Snell

Grant holder of Eaga Charitable trust, through York University. Eaga funded work presented at the fifth NICE excess winter deaths Public Health Advisory Committee meeting

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Carolyn Snell

Has made policy recommendations as a result of the research being presented

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

Frances Quinn

Member of British Polio and tutor on a self‑management of long‑term conditions course, which involved signposting people to information on exercise, nutrition and vitamin D

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

Other declarations

Topic expert

Interest declared

Type of interest

Decision taken

Martin Chadwick

Employer received funding via Stoke‑on‑Trent City Council and Staffordshire County Council from the Warm Homes Healthy People fund in 2011/12 and 2012/13

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Martin Chadwick

Member of the steering group of the National Right to Fuel Campaign

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

Philip Cullum

Employed by the energy regulator Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM)

Personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Philip Cullum

Has managerial responsibility for OFGEM's policy and regulatory work on consumer vulnerability along with its consumer research function

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Philip Cullum

Has expressed views on the role of energy companies in helping consumers in vulnerable situations, in the context of his role at OFGEM. Also commented on such issues between 2005 to 11 as deputy chief executive at the National Consumer Council, then Consumer Focus. Also worked at Which? in the mid‑1990s, latterly as head of the policy team, and it is likely that he commented on similar issues then

Personal non‑pecuniary interest

No further action required

Helen Stockton

Employed by National Energy Action (NEA)as a senior research and policy officer. In this role she was recently involved in the delivery of an evaluation of 2 programmes in Durham and Darlington, the aims of which included reducing excess winter deaths and cold‑related morbidity. The research was commissioned by Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

Personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

Helen Stockton

Employed by NEA as a senior research and policy officer. NEA is a charity that campaigns for greater investment in energy efficiency. Its work includes making recommendations to government, health sector and other stakeholders on interventions that could improve thermal efficiency and reduce fuel poverty, ill‑health and preventable deaths

Non‑personal pecuniary interest

No further action required

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)