Resource impact statement

No significant resource impact is anticipated

We do not expect a significant impact on resources as a result of the guideline update; that is:

  • the resource impact of implementing any single guideline recommendation is anticipated to be less than £1 million per year in England (or £1,800 per 100,000 population) and
  • the resource impact of implementing the whole guideline in England is anticipated to be less than £5 million per year (or £9,100 per 100,000 population).

There is limited resource impact because, while practice is anticipated to change, the recommendations reinforce what is covered and advocated by other existing national bodies (for example, the Department of Transport’s Cycling and walking investment strategy and Public Health England’s Obesity and the environment briefing: increasing physical activity and active travel), and are aligned with Acts of Parliament (for example, Bus Services Act 2017: new powers and opportunities), for which local authorities already provide funding.

The guideline states

  • “Overall the committee considered the use of strategies, plans and policies to increase levels of physical activity good value for money. This is an integral part of most local authorities' work so would not be expected to need significant extra resources.”


  • “if the strategies, plans and policies lead to the creation of an environment that results in increased physical activity, then any additional investment would be expected to result in improved health outcomes in the longer term and potential future cost savings and benefits to the health and social care systems.”

Therefore in the longer term this guideline may be cost saving to both the NHS and local authorities.

Services are commissioned by local authorities. Providers are public, private, community and voluntary sector organisations.

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