Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), co-optees, expert witnesses, the NICE project team and external contractors

Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), co-optees, expert witnesses, the NICE project team and external contractors

Programme Development Group

PDG membership is multidisciplinary, comprising policy advisers, commissioners, managers, public health practitioners, clinicians, the police, fire and rescue, representatives of the public, academics, and technical experts as follows.

Amy Aeron-Thomas Community Member

Caroline Bradbury-Jones Post Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dundee

Andy Chick formerly Avoidable Injury Manager, Nottingham Fire and Rescue

Carolyn Cripps Community Member

Davina Hartley Children's Accident Prevention Coordinator, Bradford Safeguarding Children Board

Mike Hayes Head of Research and Development, Child Accident Prevention Trust

Nicola Houghton Children and Young People's Commissioning Manager, NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Lisa Irving Public Health Nurse for Accident Prevention, Northumberland Care Trust

Shelley Mason Community Member

Jennifer McWhirter Risk Education Adviser, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)

Jeremy Moore Chief Superintendent, Police Liaison Office, Department for Transport Road Safety Division

Julie Mytton Consultant in Child Public Health, NHS Bristol and Senior Research Fellow, University of the West of England, Bristol

Ceri Phillips Professor of Health Economics, Swansea University

Amanda Roberts Road Safety Team Leader, Telford and Wrekin Council

Ralph Saunders Public Health Business Manager, Bradford and Airedale Primary Care Trust

Tanja Stocks Team Leader, Team Leader, Hitchen 0–19 Team – School Nursing & Health Visiting. Hertfordshire Community Health Services

Robert Taylor Station Manager, Community Fire Safety, Merseyside Fire and Rescue

Elizabeth Towner Professor of Child Health, Centre for Child and Adolescent Health, University of the West of England, Bristol

Julia Verne Deputy Regional Director of Public Health and Director of the South West Public Health Observatory

Heather Ward (Chair) Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Transport Studies, University College London

Expert co-optees to the PDG:

Denise Kendrick Joint Head of Division and Professor of Primary Care Research, University of Nottingham

Expert testimony to PDG:

The authors of the expert papers listed at the end of this appendix provided expert testimony to the PDG.

NICE project team

Michael Kelly CPHE Director

Simon Ellis Associate Director

Louise Millward Joint Lead Analyst

Hilary Chatterton Joint Lead Analyst

Hugo Crombie Analyst

James Jagroo Analyst

Peter Shearn Analyst

Lesley Owen Technical Adviser (Health Economics)

Sue Jelley Senior Editor

Alison Lake Editor

External contractors

Evidence reviews

Review 1: 'Current practice and innovative approaches to prevent childhood unintentional injuries: An overview and synthesis of international comparative analyses and surveys of injury prevention policies, legislation and other activities'. This review was carried out by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), London School of Economics & Political Science, with Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG), Peninsula Medical School, Exeter. The principal authors were: A-La Park, David McDaid, Zulian Liu, Tiffany Moxham and Rob Anderson.

Review 2: 'A systematic review of risk factors for unintentional injuries among children and young people aged under 15 years' was carried out by PenTAG. The principal authors were: Mark Pearson, Paul Hewson, Tiffany Moxham and Rod Taylor.

Review 3: 'An overview and synthesis of evidence relating to strategies and frameworks for planning, implementing, enforcing or promoting activities to prevent unintentional injury to children and young people on the road: legislation, regulation, standards and related strategies focusing on the design and modification of highways, roads or streets'. This review was carried out by PenTAG. The principal authors were: Rob Anderson and Tiffany Moxham.

Review 4: 'Strategic and regulatory frameworks for guiding, enforcing or promoting activities to prevent unintentional injury in children and young people in the home environment' was carried out by PenTAG. The principal authors were: Ruth Garside and Tiffany Moxham.

Review 5: 'Strategies, policies and regulatory or legal frameworks and/or mass media campaigns to prevent unintentional injury to children during play and leisure in the external environment'. This review was carried out by West Midlands Health Technology Assessment Collaboration, University of Birmingham. The principal authors were: Khalid Ashfaq, Ismail Yahaya, Olalekan Uthman, Sue Bayliss, Anne Fry-Smith and Rob Anderson.

Review 6: 'Systematic review to provide an overview of published economic evaluations of relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and/or their enforcement and promotion by mass media' was carried out by PenTAG. The principal authors were: Rob Anderson and Tiffany Moxham.

Cost effectiveness

'Economic modelling of legislation/regulations and related national strategies to promote the wider use of: 20mph zones in residential areas, and thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs) in social housing for families' was carried out by PenTAG. The principal authors were: Rob Anderson and Tiffany Moxham.


The fieldwork 'Strategies to prevent unintentional injury among under-15s' was carried out by Word of Mouth.

Expert testimony

Expert testimony 1: 'Child road safety' (including 'Child casualties in road accidents: 2007. Road accidents factsheet number 5 [2009]. [Department for Transport]) was presented by Andrew Colski, Head of Vulnerable Road Users Branch, Road User Safety Division, Department for Transport.

Expert testimony 2: 'Preventing unintentional injuries among under-15s' was presented by Anthony Smythe, Policy Adviser, Child Safety Unit, Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Expert testimony 3: 'Inequities in child injuries' was presented by Denise Kendrick, Professor of Primary Care Research, Division of Primary Care, University of Nottingham.

Expert testimony 4: 'Legislating for health' was presented by Ray Pawson, Professor of Social Policy, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Leeds University.

Expert testimony 5: 'Cycle helmets – epidemiology and effectiveness' was presented by Mike Hayes, PDG Member and Heather Ward, PDG Chair.

Expert testimony 6: 'Monitoring and surveillance issues – A&E pilot' was presented by Wendi Slater, Senior Analyst, Public Health Information Team, South West Regional Public Health Observatory.