Who should take action?


The guideline is for: commissioners and providers of lifestyle weight management programmes and health and social care professionals who advise or refer people these programmes. It may also be of interest to adults who are overweight or obese, their families and other members of the public.

Who should do what at a glance
Who should take action Recommendation

Clinical commissioning groups

1, 3, 4, 5,13

Commissioners of health and social care services


Commissioners of lifestyle weight management programmes

9, 10, 16, 17, 18

GPs and other health and social care professionals

2, 6, 7, 16, 17

Health and wellbeing boards

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 18

Hospital and community trusts

4, 16

Local authorities

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 18

Local education and training boards or councils and others responsible for setting competences and designing continuing professional development programmes for health professionals

14, 15

Local service providers

1, 8

National agencies with an interest in the effectiveness of lifestyle weight management programmes


NHS England

3, 4

Professional bodies

14, 15

Providers of lifestyle weight management services

2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,15, 16, 17

Providers of monitoring services

16, 17

Public Health England

2, 3, 4, 5, 12

Who should take action in detail

Recommendation 1

Local authorities, working with other local service providers, clinical commissioning groups and health and wellbeing boards

Recommendation 2

Public Health England; GPs and other health and social care professionals; health and wellbeing boards; local authorities and other commissioners of health and social care services; providers (designers, developers or deliverers) of lifestyle weight management programmes in private, public or voluntary sector organisations working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings

Recommendation 3

Local authorities, Public Health England, NHS England, clinical commissioning groups and health and wellbeing boards

Recommendation 4

Clinical commissioning groups, health and wellbeing boards, hospital and community trusts, local authorities, NHS England and Public Health England

Recommendation 5

Public Health England, local authorities, health and wellbeing boards and clinical commissioning groups

Recommendation 6

General practice teams and other health or social care professionals who give advice about, or refer people to, lifestyle weight management programmes. This includes professionals working in: cardiac rehabilitation, diabetes, disability, fertility, postnatal, rheumatology and smoking services

Recommendation 7

GPs and other health or social care professionals advising or referring adults to lifestyle weight management programmes; providers (designers, developers or deliverers of lifestyle weight management programmes in private, public or voluntary sector organisations) working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings

Recommendation 8

Providers (designers, developers or deliverers of lifestyle weight management programmes in private, public or voluntary sector organisations) working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings

Recommendation 9

Commissioners of lifestyle weight management services, such as public health teams within local authorities or other health and social care commissioners

Recommendation 10

Commissioners of lifestyle weight management programmes, such as public health teams within local authorities or other health and social care commissioners

Recommendation 11

Providers (designers, developers or deliverers of lifestyle weight management programmes in private, public or voluntary sector organisations) working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings

Recommendation 12

Public Health England; national agencies with an interest in the effectiveness of lifestyle weight management programmes; commissioners; providers (designers, developers or deliverers of lifestyle weight management programmes in private, public or voluntary sector organisations) working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings

Recommendation 13

Clinical commissioning groups; health and wellbeing boards; local authorities

Recommendation 14

Local education and training boards; local education and training councils; professional bodies; those responsible for setting competences and designing continuing professional development programmes for health professionals

Recommendation 15

Providers of, and staff working for, lifestyle weight management services (designers, developers or deliverers in private, public or voluntary sector organisations) working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings; professional bodies; training organisations

Recommendation 16

Commissioners of lifestyle weight management services, such as public health teams within local authorities or other health and social care commissioners; providers (designers, developers or deliverers of lifestyle weight management programmes in private, public or voluntary sector organisations) working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings; health and social care professionals advising or referring service users; providers of monitoring services

Recommendation 17

Commissioners of lifestyle weight management programmes, such as public health teams within local authorities or other health and social care commissioners; providers (designers, developers or deliverers of lifestyle weight management programmes in private, public or voluntary sector organisations) working in the community or in (or via) primary care settings; health and social care professionals who refer people to lifestyle weight management programmes; providers of services to support the prevention of weight regain; providers of programme monitoring services

Recommendation 18

Commissioners of lifestyle weight management services, such as public health teams within local authorities or other health and social care commissioners; health and wellbeing boards; local authorities