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Guidance programme (7 selected)

Guidance programme

Showing 1 to 10 of 206

Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependenceNG209
Epilepsies in children, young people and adultsNG217
Maternal and child nutrition: nutrition and weight management in pregnancy, and nutrition in children up to 5 yearsNG247
Urinary tract infection (recurrent): antimicrobial prescribingNG112
Kurin Lock for blood culture collectionMTG77
GaitSmart rehabilitation exercise programme for gait and mobility issuesMTG78
KardiaMobile for detecting atrial fibrillationMTG64
AposHealth for knee osteoarthritisMTG76
UrgoStart for treating diabetic foot ulcers and leg ulcersMTG42
Delirium: prevention, diagnosis and management in hospital and long-term careCG103

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