Needs Assessment Tool-progressive disease: Interstitial Lung Disease (NAT-PD: ILD)

Hull York Medical School supported by a grant from Marie Curie has produced an assessment tool that supports the recommendations relating to best supportive care, review, follow-up and palliative care in the NICE guideline on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It also supports the statements about palliative care, oxygen, pulmonary rehabilitation and nurse access in the NICE quality standard for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Endorsed resources are complementary information that may be of interest to you from sources outside of NICE. This resource has been developed by Hull York Medical School and is not maintained by NICE. NICE has not made any judgement about the quality and usability of the resource. In the event of any issues or errors, please contact Hull York Medical School in the first instance.

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