Non-prescription medicines and over-the-counter products

Non-prescription medicines and over-the-counter products are known as homely remedies. These can be bought without a prescription from a pharmacy or supermarket (examples include mild pain killers and cough medicines). People in care homes may be offered homely remedies for treating minor ailments. If the care home does this, they should consider having a process, which may include information about:

  • which medicines may be offered and for which symptoms

  • the amount of the medicine that should be given as well as how often

  • the maximum amount of the medicine that should be taken each day

  • where to record that the medicine has been given

  • how long the medicine should be given before the GP is contacted

  • which residents should not be given certain medicines or products (for example, paracetamol should not be given as a homely remedy if a resident is already receiving prescribed paracetamol).