Diabetes (type 2) - empagliflozin [ID641]: committee papers

Empagliflozin in combination therapy for treating type 2 diabetes [ID641]
Committee Papers


Table of Contents


01. NICE's response to comments on the Appraisal Consultation Document (ACD)

02. Consultee comments on the ACD - Astrazenca

03. Consultee comments on the ACD - Boehringer Ingelheim

04. Consultee comments on the ACD - Department of Health

05. Consultee comments on the ACD - Janssen

06. Consultee comments on the ACD - Merck Sharpe and Dohme

07. Consultee comments on the ACD - Royal College pf Physicians

08. Consultee comments on the ACD - Royal College of Pathologists

09. Clinical expert - Winocaur

10. Evidence Review Group commentary on second submission prepared by Warwick

11. Evidence Review Group commentary - Erratum

This page was last updated: 19 January 2015