Ankylosing spondylitis and axial spondyloarthritis (non-radiographic) - adalimumab, etanercept infliximab and golimumab (inc rev TA143 and TA233) ID694: committee papers

Table of contents

01 NICE's response to comments on the Appraisal Consultation Document (ACD)

02 Consultee comments on the ACD - AbbVie

03 Consultee comments on the ACD - Health Improvement Scotland 1

04 Consultee comments on the ACD - Health Improvement Scotland 2

05 Consultee comments on the ACD - Hospira

06 Consultee comments on the ACD - Merck Sharpe and Dohme

07 Consultee comments on the ACD - Napp Pharmaceuticals

08 Consultee comments on the ACD - Pfizer

09 Consultee comments on the ACD -UCB

10 Consultee comments on the ACD - National Association of Spondylitis Society

11 Consultee comments on the ACD - National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society

12 Consultee comments on the ACD - Royal College of Nursing

13 Public comments on the ACD received via the NICE website

14 Public comments on the ACD

This page was last updated: 09 September 2015