Ischaemic heart disease - coronary artery stents: review decision october 2014

Review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No. 71; Guidance on the use of coronary artery stents

The Institute was proposing that the guidance should be updated in two clinical guidelines – the update of CG167 (Myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation) and the update of CG94 (Unstable angina and NSTEMI). Both of these guidelines are scheduled to undergo a surveillance review in 2015.

During consultation, the majority of comments received by the Institute agreed with the proposal put forward, however one stakeholder pointed out that these two clinical guidelines do not cover the entire scope of the TA. This would mean that following our proposed course of action would mean that there would be no recommendations on the use of stents for stable angina.

After consideration of all of the comments (attached as appendix A), the Institute’s Guidance Executive has decided that TA71 should be updated in any future updates of CG94 and CG167 as originally proposed, but the recommendations relating to the use of stents for stable angina should remain extant until CG126 (Management of stable angina) is updated, at which point this recommendation would also be updated by the guideline.

As a result, recommendation 1.1 from TA71 will remain extant until the related clinical guidelines are published and update the recommendations made in the TA. At this time, TA71 will be withdrawn.

October 2014


Appendix A – Decision paper presented to the Institute’s Guidance Executive

This page was last updated: 10 October 2014