Static List Review Decision – February 2016

NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No.83; Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia repair

Static List Review

TA83; Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia repair was added to the static list in January 2011.

Guidance is moved to the static list following consultation with consultees and commentators when it is clear that there is no new research available that would have any material effect on the current guidance. Topics on the static list may be transferred back to the active list for further appraisal if new evidence becomes available that is likely to have a material effect on the last guidance issued.

As the appraisal has been on the static list for more than 5 years, NICE has been gathering intelligence to ascertain whether there is any new evidence available relevant to this appraisal and whether this should be considered through the full review proposal process.

No new evidence has been identified that would lead to a change in the existing recommendations.

As a result we have decided that TA83 should remain on the static list and no further action is required at this time.

However, if NICE is notified of a significant change to the evidence base at any stage in the future, this could trigger a formal review proposal.

Appendix A - Static List Review paper - February 2016

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