Recommendation ID

Psychological therapy – mindfulness for chronic primary pain: What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of mindfulness therapy for managing chronic primary pain in people aged 16 years and over?

Any explanatory notes
(if applicable)

For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on psychological therapy for chronic primary pain .

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review F: psychological therapy for chronic primary pain.

Source guidance details

Comes from guidance
Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain
Date issued
April 2021

Other details

Is this a recommendation for the use of a technology only in the context of research? No  
Is it a recommendation that suggests collection of data or the establishment of a register?   No  
Last Reviewed 30/04/2021