Healthcare professionals - shaping our work

A wide range of healthcare professionals, including primary care colleagues, work with NICE to develop our recommendations.

From GPs and community pharmacists to practice nurses and allied health professionals, we are guided by your knowledge and expertise.

Your vital role

Your voice is crucial in ensuring we interpret the evidence in a way that is relevant for frontline delivery. It is only by listening to your unique perspective that we can create advice that is useful and useable for busy health and care staff, providing maximum benefit for the communities you serve.

It's crucial that primary care has a strong voice in the creation of NICE guidelines. Primary care practitioners can lend a layer of practicality when considering the real-world implications of guidance.
Dr Matt Doyle, GP and NICE committee member

Opportunities to influence our work

Our guidance goes through several stages before it is published. Healthcare professionals, including primary care staff, can share their knowledge and experience with us at various points in the process.

Here's how we work with you to shape our recommendations:

Download the content from this graphic (Word).

Involvement of frontline primary care staff is the difference between ‘ideal world’ recommendations, and practical guidance that is useable in real life.
Avril Tucker, primary care antimicrobial pharmacist and NICE committee member
a Pharmacist dispensing a prescription

Stay up-to-date

Update for primary care is our monthly newsletter dedicated to GPs and primary care staff. 

Sign up to receive updates about:

  • our latest guidance for primary care settings
  • clinical knowledge summaries – accessible summary of best practice for over 370 topics
  • patient decision aids and visual summaries which outline recommended treatment and care in a simple format
  • opportunities for primary care staff to help shape our work – from current consultations to committee vacancies.
Subscribe to our newsletter

Our committees

Our independent committees develop and update our guidance. By providing a wide range of viewpoints and experiences, they help improve the quality of our guidance and make a real difference to patient care. Their diverse membership includes those working in primary care.

Learn about committees

GP reference panel

Our GP reference panel gathers the collective wisdom of GPs on the ground. From telling us if we should produce guidance on a particular topic, to suggesting how we can make our recommendations clearer, the panel supports busy GPs to contribute to guidance development in a quick and easy way.

Learn about our GP panel
As a ‘shop floor’ nurse, I recognised I had a voice and I wanted people further up the ladder to hear it. Being on the committee gives me a sense of empowerment that keeps me motivated.
Liz Cross, advanced nurse practitioner and NICE committee member
A gp in consulting room with a smiling child