You should run a mini competition for the following lots only:

  • lot 2: print books
  • lot 3: electronic books
  • lot 4: print and electronic journals.

Further competition can take place:

  • each time you buy a resource, or
  • to select one provider for a set period of time. During that period calls offs can be made direct from the provider without any further competition required.

Further competition can be within one of these lots, or across two or more as needed.

For lot 5: databases and evidence summaries, you must run a mini competition each time you buy a knowledge resource (unless the title is listed under Lot 1: Sole Supplier of this framework).

If the knowledge resource title or titles that you want to buy is only supplied by one provider,  you'll need to follow the process for direct awards.

If you're still unsure of which process to use, visit the buy books, journals and databases page for more information.


  1. 1

    Take advice

    Draft and agree any requirements. Get internal approval to purchase.

    You should always get advice from your procurement team before carrying out a call off under further competition. They will be able to support you through the purchasing process.

  2. 2

    Review requirements

    You should now review:

    1. Core service requirements for providers.
    2. Purchasing and pricing models for those providers who want to take part in the mini-competition. To view the models for each provider you'll need to register for access. To do this email commissioned content reports including your name, email address, role, organisation and organisation address

    Also, does the buyer have any additional requirements that were not pre-agreed on the framework? These could include licensing, service, supply, delivery or purchasing requirements.

    Step 2: further guidance

    All providers on the framework comply with the essential core service requirements. These requirements vary depending on whether a provider is an agent or non-agent.

    You should document any additional requirements and include them in the invitation to quote (ITQ).

  3. 3

    Complete the framework documentation

    Call off order form

    You now need to complete all sections of the call off order form, apart from:

    • sections: 1, 3.2, 8 (agreement price and fees) and 10
    • annex one
    • annex four
    • annex eight.

    Call off order terms and conditions

    Are any agents being invited to bid?

    Step 3: further guidance

    Take note of those sections and clauses highlighted with the words 'guidance notes'.

    If needed, providers can negotiate the wording of these sections and clauses. This applies to both the call off order terms and conditions and the HSCC licence. The provider must state their preferred wording for negotiable clauses in their invitation to quote (ITQ) response.

  4. 4

    Issue the invitation to quote (ITQ)

    Send the ITQ to the provider for a response. State that the purchase is being made under the terms of the NICE electronic and print content framework agreement (NICEFAHEE/2125).

    Include the amended:

    • call off order form
    • call off terms and conditions .

    Also include either the HSSC licence or the agent agreement, as required.

    Step 4: further guidance

    As well as the framework documentation, make sure you have detailed any additional requirements and included them in the ITQ.

    You must also include details of how these will be evaluated. So, before sending the ITQ check with your procurement team for advice on evaluating bids.

    You can base your criteria on the core service requirements. These requirements vary depending on whether a provider is an agent or non-agent. They are set out in both the HSCC licence (Word) and the agent agreement (Word). There may also be additional documentation to send.

  5. 5

    Evaluate ITQ response(s)

    You should now review the quotes received, including responses to any additional requirements set out in the ITQ (if relevant).

    At this stage, all bids should be evaluated and the winning bidder selected for contract award.

    Step 5: further guidance

    If buying electronic knowledge resources through an agent, you should request  the publisher's licence for review at this stage.

    You also need to take note of:

    • clauses 2, 16 and 23 in the call off terms and conditions
    • guidance notes for agent supply in the call off order form.
  6. 6

    Contract award

    Complete the remaining sections of the call off order form:

    • amend clause 6 and annex six with any additional terms agreed
    • ask provider to sign clause 10, buyer to counter sign.

    Step 6: further guidance

    The call off order form has to be signed to complete the agreement. It's the only document that needs to be signed.

    You must always quote 'subject to the NICE electronic and print content framework agreement (NICEFAHEE/2125)' on each purchase order or renewal form. You must also make sure that providers quote this text on each order acknowledgement and invoice.

    Buyers and providers should take note of the order of precedence set out in clause 2: overriding provisions, in the call off terms and conditions.