

  • The technology described in this briefing is LQD Spray. It is for the external, local treatment of a range of acute and chronic wounds. This includes chronic leg ulcers, superficial partial thickness burns and self-harm wounds.

  • The innovative aspects are that it is the only biopolymer wound dressing, and can be used without a secondary dressing (unless it is clinically indicated). Also, it is a natural antimicrobial and it can be used in patient self-management, although there is no published evidence on this use.

  • The intended place in therapy would be instead of or in addition to other primary wound dressing options, such as foam dressings, film dressings or hydrofibre dressings for people with acute and chronic wounds. It could replace secondary wound dressings for some patients.

  • The main points from the evidence summarised in this briefing are from 4 observational studies including 222 patients in primary and secondary care in the UK and Germany. They show that LQD Spray could reduce wound size and pain in patients with acute and chronic wounds.

  • Key uncertainties around the evidence or technology are that evidence is limited in both quality and quantity, with small sample sizes and no comparator groups. There is also a limited evidence for certain indicated patient populations, such as patients with self-harm wounds.

  • The cost of LQD Spray is £45.00 per unit (exclusive of VAT). The resource impact is usually in addition to standard care. However, this could be offset if there are greater benefits, such as no need for a secondary dressing and reduced nursing time.