Information for the public

Decisions about your care

Decisions about your care

You should be able to talk to a midwife or doctor about your care throughout your pregnancy. You can change your mind about your care at any time.

If you are over 16 you will be asked to give your 'informed consent' to any particular test or treatment that you have. Informed consent means that the test or treatment is completely explained to you before you decide whether to have it. This should include telling you what it involves, what the benefits and risks might be, whether there are different tests or treatments you could have, and what might happen if you decide not to have the test or treatment. If you are not able to make decisions about your tests or treatment, your midwife or doctor has a duty to talk to your family or carers unless you have specifically asked them not to.

In an emergency, healthcare professionals may give treatment immediately, without obtaining your informed consent, when it is in your best interests.

If you are under 16 you still may be able to give informed consent. This is explained in Decisions about your care if you are under 16.

  • Information Standard