Information for the public

Questions to ask about preventing infective endocarditis

Questions to ask about preventing infective endocarditis

  • In the past I have been given antibiotics to prevent infective endocarditis for the same procedure but have not been offered them now. Why has this changed?

  • Can you tell me more about infective endocarditis? Is there some written material (like a leaflet) that I can have?

  • What can I do to look after my teeth and gums?

  • What symptoms should I look out for?

  • Who should I contact if I think I have symptoms of infective endocarditis, and what information do I need to give them?

  • What should I do if I think I have an infection?

  • I've used a chlorhexidine mouthwash (an antiseptic mouthwash that helps to kill bacteria in the mouth) when I have had dental treatment in the past. Is this helpful?

These questions may help you discuss your condition or the treatments you have been offered with your healthcare team.