Information for the public

The condition

The condition

Rectal cancer is a common form of bowel cancer that affects the rectum (the end part of the bowel). Symptoms include rectal bleeding and change in bowel habit. Surgery to remove the affected part of the rectum is the main treatment, keeping the anus if possible. In some patients, radiotherapy or chemotherapy or both are used before, during or after surgery to reduce the chances of the cancer spreading or coming back.

Radiotherapy can use radiation from outside the body (external‑beam radiotherapy) or radiation placed inside the body. Radiation placed inside the body (brachytherapy) involves inserting radioactive pellets directly into the tumour or a placing a tube containing radioactive material inside the rectum near the tumour. Radiation kills the cancer cells.

NICE has looked at using low-energy contact X-ray brachytherapy as another treatment option.

NHS Choices ( and NICE's information for the public about colorectal cancer may be a good place to find out more.

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