1 Recommendations

1 Recommendations

NICE medical technology guidance addresses specific technologies notified to NICE by manufacturers. The 'case for adoption' is based on the claimed advantages of introducing the specific technology compared with current management of the condition. This 'case' is reviewed against the evidence submitted and expert advice. If the case for adopting the technology is supported, then the technology has been found to offer advantages to patients and the NHS. The specific recommendations on individual technologies are not intended to limit use of other relevant technologies which may offer similar advantages.


The case for adopting the moorLDI2-BI in the NHS is supported when it is used to guide treatment decisions for patients in whom there is uncertainty about the depth and healing potential of burn wounds that have been assessed by experienced clinicians.


There is evidence of benefit for patients and for the NHS when the moorLDI2-BI is used in addition to clinical evaluation compared with clinical evaluation alone, in burn wounds of intermediate (also known as indeterminate) depth. By demonstrating which areas of any burn wound require surgical treatment and which do not, the moorLDI2-BI enables decisions about surgery to be made earlier and for surgery to be avoided in some patients.


The estimated average cost saving when the moorLDI2-BI is used in addition to clinical evaluation is £1,281 per patient scanned (if the equipment is purchased) or £1,274 per patient scanned (if the equipment is leased). This is based on an assumption of a 17% reduction in the number of skin graft operations at a cost of £2,319 each. [2017]