Information for the public

Check-ups for people for anorexia

Check-ups for people for anorexia

Ongoing support is important for people with anorexia. You should be offered information about anorexia, and checks of your weight and physical and mental health. This will normally be done by your GP. However, if anorexia is causing you severe problems you may see an eating disorder specialist.

If you are not currently having treatment, you should have check-ups with your GP at least once a year. Your GP should check your overall health by taking some blood and measuring your weight, BMI and blood pressure. They might offer you an electrocardiograph (called 'ECG' for short) to check that your heart is healthy.

They should ask about your day-to-day life, your mood and how you are managing. They will also be happy to talk about treatment options with you if you feel you need some help and support.