Information for the public

About ivermectin

About ivermectin

Ivermectin is a drug that kills parasites. It is taken by mouth (orally), usually just as one single dose. Ivermectin isn't licensed for treating scabies or any other condition in the UK – this means that ivermectin is unlicensed.

Treatments that are licensed in the UK for treating scabies are permethrin, malathion and benzyl benzoate, which are creams or lotions. Permethrin cream is the usual first choice of treatment for people with scabies. Malathion lotion can be used if people can't use permethrin (for example if they are allergic to it). Benzyl benzoate is not used much anymore. Permethrin cream and malathion lotion are applied all over the body for a long time before being washed off. This is done twice, 1 week apart. Special attention is paid to the fingers and toes and under the nails.

Ivermectin is sometimes used to treat scabies that is difficult to treat. It has been used to treat crusted scabies. Ivermectin has also been used to treat people who have scabies but who can't use creams or lotions, or these haven't worked.