Equality considerations

Equality considerations

NICE is committed to promoting equality, eliminating unlawful discrimination and fostering good relations between people with particular protected characteristics and others. In producing guidance and advice, NICE aims to comply fully with all legal obligations to: promote race and disability equality and equality of opportunity between men and women, eliminate unlawful discrimination on grounds of race, disability, age, sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity (including women post-delivery), sexual orientation, and religion or belief (these are protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010).

SecurAcath is not suitable for people with an allergy to nickel. It is contraindicated for people whose skin integrity is deemed unfavourable by the operator, for example because of chronic corticosteroid use, presence of cellulitis, or rashes at the prospective insertion site. People who have past irradiation of the site or the presence of known or suspected device-related infection, bacteraemia, or septicaemia are also contraindicated. SecurAcath may benefit people who are allergic to adhesives that may be used in the standard of care.