Specialist commentator comments

Comments on this technology were invited from clinical experts working in the field and relevant patient organisations. The comments received are individual opinions and do not represent NICE's view.

All 3 specialist commentators said that they were currently using the device at varying intervals. One had used the Arctic Sun 5000 as part of the Eurotherm3235 trial.

Level of innovation

The specialist commentators agreed that this device was moderately innovative, because it is a variation on standard water-cooling blankets that offers better functionality, ease of use and control.

Potential patient impact

The specialist commentators agreed that Arctic Sun 5000 is beneficial in reducing secondary neurological brain injury, meaning reduced risk of disability after recovery, less critical care and rehabilitation time, and better functional status. This includes both patients having in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. One specialist observed that the correct 'dose' of cooling is still not known.

Potential system impact

One specialist remarked that although Arctic Sun 5000 and its related consumables are costly, the device is very effective at managing core body temperature.

All the specialist commentators agreed that no changes to facilities or infrastructure would be needed to implement Arctic Sun 5000, but that some specialist staff training was needed. One commentator noted that cooling with the device can be nurse-led, reducing the lead-time associated with inserting catheters for endovascular cooling systems.

Two commentators felt that Arctic Sun 5000 could save costs; one thought that savings may be achieved through shortened length of stay in intensive care. Another felt that more research was needed to confirm any cost savings. One specialist said that cost savings would be achieved through a reduction in long-term costs of managing neurological injuries.

General comments

One specialist commentator reflected that although they have been using the Arctic Sun system for a number of years, they now use it less often for warming patients. Instead, their unit chooses to keep patients at a constant temperature of 36°C by monitoring the core temperature and adding or removing standard blankets as needed. The expert noted that more of their patients needed the use of the Arctic Sun for warming than for cooling.