Expert comments

Comments on this technology were invited from clinical experts working in the field and relevant patient organisations. The comments received are individual opinions and do not represent NICE's view.

Two of the 3 experts were familiar with the technology but had not used it before.

Level of innovation

The experts felt the test was a minor variation of established technology but offered a potentially more accurate or faster result. One expert said that other tests can measure the same genes but MammaTyper can be done in a local laboratory and is straightforward compared with more complex tests that need centralised laboratories, such as Oncotype DX.

Potential patient impact

All experts agreed this test could have a positive patient benefit by identifying disease unlikely to need chemotherapy and by delivering a quicker result, possibly avoiding surgery and other neoadjuvant treatments.

Potential system impact

All experts agreed this test has the potential to change the patient care pathway and improve clinical outcomes, such as allowing people to choose neoadjuvant therapy and even avoiding surgery.

General comments

One expert noted that this test would free up consultant histopathologist time, which is especially important as there is a national shortage. Another expert commented that this test is much easier and cheaper than other tests. Using MammaTyper in local laboratories could save money as fewer of the more expensive tests, such as Oncotype DX, would be needed.

One expert felt that MammaTyper is still early in development and the evidence is based on a small number of studies. Further validation would be needed before the NHS could adopt it.